A Publication of WTVP

Welcome to the redesigned InterBusiness Issues! We’ve been planning these changes for many months now—it’s hard to believe that the time has finally arrived!

It’s no secret that the media landscape has had a tumultuous ride in the last decade—it’s a rollercoaster that shows no sign of slowing. As technology has advanced, the expectations of media consumers have evolved as well. With that in mind, we felt the need to step up and take iBi to the next level.

We’ve come a long way from our humble beginnings. When the first issue—an eight-page, black-and-white newsletter—came out in 1989, I don’t think that anyone foresaw the full-color, 120-page, perfect-bound magazine it would become nearly two decades later. And yet here we are!

You’ll discover a few changes in this issue, in both design and content. Most noticeably, we’ve given the magazine a stylistic makeover, from its sleek, modern logo to the new full-color format. Every section—new and old—has been revamped by our talented design team. At 120 pages, this is the largest issue we’ve ever produced.

Each issue will have a Focus section (page 56) centered on the significant topics of the day. In this global economy, there is nothing more important than a prepared workforce, so this month, with back-to-school on the minds of many, we kick off the new school year with a focus on education. Next month, we’ll turn our attention to sustainability.

In today’s world, the line between work and play is harder than ever to define. The demands of our “always-on” society call for a strong sense of work/life balance. Answering that call, the new Balance section (page 83) will help bridge the gap between a life of business and the business of life, showcasing cultural and lifestyle trends and unique activities that will help you build relationships with your colleagues.

Along with the redesigned print magazine, our website has a new look and feel as well. Visit peoriamagazines.com for content available only on the web—and look for more interactive features in the future. Have something to say about an article you read here? Post a comment online, and don’t forget to sign up for the Central Illinois Perspective, our free, weekly e-newsletter, for the latest in business, lifestyle and the arts.

The changes here at CIBP reflect the fast pace of change in the world at large in recent years. What hasn’t changed is our commitment to providing area readers with everything they need to know to thrive—in business and in pleasure—in central Illinois.

We salute all of our readers, sponsors, contributors and advertisers for making this possible. We couldn’t have done it without you! Please send your comments and suggestions to [email protected]—we want to hear from you!

We thank you for reading and hope you enjoy the new iBi!

P.S. For the 15th year, InterBusiness Issues, together with Caterpillar and other sponsors, will inaugurate a new class of 40 Leaders Under Forty on Nov. 6th. Nominations are being accepted now—turn to page 46 for nomination information or visit peoriamagazines.com. iBi
