Responsible for client management and the development of new business opportunities, Chris Waible is business development director at Dewberry, an architectural, engineering and consulting firm that provides comprehensive design solutions to clients across the United States. In this role, he has developed a mentorship and professional development program, enhanced recruiting practices and promoted retention through the creation of an emerging professionals group. In 2015, he was recognized as one of four leaders in education across the 2,000-person firm.
As founder of the Warehouse District Development Committee, Waible identified risks that could prevent developers from investing in the Warehouse District and assembled a group of young professionals to identify the needs of their demographic; qualify the missing elements of a vibrant, urban area; and quantify the demand for residential development. Within this committee, he has led focus groups, developed surveys, and worked with public and private-sector leaders to collect and analyze data. A published author and guest speaker on the business of architecture, Waible has served as a consultant to multiple investors considering Warehouse District development.
Waible co-chairs the Young Professional of Greater Peoria (YPGP) Committee for Warehouse District Projects and the YPGP Professional Development Committee, where he helped design the L.E.A.P. (Leaders Emerging to Advance Peoria) Academy, which he has led for the last three years. In addition, he is a team leader for ELITE Youth Outreach, volunteer for Habitat for Humanity, and active member of the Peoria North Rotary Programming Committee and Building Committee at St. Thomas Church.
A member of the delegation that developed the case for Peoria’s selection as a 2013 All-American City, Waible is an active contributor to the Downtown Advisory Commission and member of the Peoria Area Chamber of Commerce Transportation Committee. He has also served as a science fair judge for Quest Charter Academy Middle School and as a critic for Illinois Central College, reviewing student entries for the Warehouse District Gateway Competition. iBi