On behalf of the County Board, I commend the individuals being recognized as “local legends” on the following pages. These men and women surpass Merriam-Webster’s definition of a legend for “doing something extremely well.” Legends are often famous for their talent—such as Richard Pryor or Glen Campbell—while others are lesser known but just as dedicated to their vocation, and therefore, deserving of such a tribute.
Falling into this second category is a colleague I would like to personally honor for her long-standing service to the public. This November, Carol Trumpe will conclude 27 years of service on the County Board, but her legacy as a public servant will long be remembered and replicated.
Ms. Trumpe was appointed as her district’s representative in 1985 to fulfill the remaining year of her predecessor’s vacated term. Her belief that the public would best be served by a courthouse addition on the existing downtown campus—rather than an off-site location—coupled with her agreement to run for election the following year, sealed her fate in public service through 1990, when she took a four-year hiatus to focus on family and volunteer efforts. Having returned to the County Board in 1994, Carol has been serving her constituents with integrity and perseverance ever since.
She has also served on the County Board’s Land Use Committee since 1994, including 12 years as chair and two as vice-chair. During her tenure on the committee and its various iterations over the years, Carol oversaw a great deal of change and progress related to the use and preservation of public and private property. These advances included a significantly revamped Subdivision Ordinance in 2006, adoption of the International Building Code later that same year, and major revisions to the Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems (Septic) Ordinance in 2013.
Perhaps most notable on Ms. Trumpe’s long list of accomplishments, however, is her role in revising the County’s Comprehensive Land Use Plan, the development of which required two years and two revisions before final adoption in 2009. In addition to chairing the Land Use Committee at the time, Carol served on the steering committee of board members, county staff, citizens and other stakeholders charged with creating a more comprehensive document that would continue to safeguard the best interests of county residents and landowners for decades to come.
Certainly, the crux of her motivation for serving on the County Board for nearly three decades has been to effect change in the best interests of our residents. Public service can be as challenging as it is rewarding, but Carol’s faith and resolute moral compass guide her decisions and serve as an example for many of us already in public service—as well as those contemplating it. While her career in public service may be drawing to a close, her service to the public is not. We wish her well as her legacy continues through involvement with the South Side Mission, Peoria County Farm Bureau and Grace Presbyterian Church. iBi