Bradley University Professor Heather Brammeier has made good use of her recent quarantine time. “When my nieces’ spring break plans were cancelled, we thought they’d come visit me, but then realized that wasn’t going to be possible,” she explains. “I had been thinking of art activities we could do together. Once the stay-at-home was announced, I thought the activities would be helpful for families at home.”
Brammeier’s posts have in turn been shared by Big Picture, the Peoria Art Guild and others. Here’s one entitled “Delaunay Triangulation”:
Fill the picture plane with dots. They can be placed randomly, or according to a strategy. Mine were closer together at the top and spread out as I moved down.
Connect each dot to the points closest to it. There will be times when you actually have to measure to make sure you are choosing the right connection. What this does is create the tightest network using your starting points.
You can color the network in using two colors and white, three colors, or as many colors as you want. Delaunay triangulation is also the first step of a Voronoi diagram. (Curious? Google it!)
Find more at-home art lessons on Brammeier’s Instagram page @hjmbrammeier.PM