Life’s Golden Ticket, a new book by life coach and leadership speaker Brendon Burchard, is helping raise awareness for Junior Achievement (JA). Burchard recently spoke at JA’s Eggs & Education events in Bloomington and East Peoria.
The author features Junior Achievement after the surprising conclusion of his book and urges readers to volunteer for or financially support its cause. “The idea is that readers will finish the last few sentences of my book and be inspired to start anew and make a greater difference in the world,” Burchard said. “Then they’ll turn the page and learn about Junior Achievement in order to do just that.”
The book is a page-turning, self-help parable about a man who visits an enchanted amusement park to honor the mysterious last wish of his dying fiancée and the series of miraculous insights he has there which lead him to discover a secret golden ticket—and a second chance at life. The parable is being compared to The Alchemist and The Five People You Meet in Heaven.
Some folks who chatted with Burchard at the Junior Achievement events are considering attending one of his upcoming seminars at Disneyland. These high-impact, music-driven, three-day weekend events have people rediscovering and strengthening their potential and experiencing profound personal growth and change.
Few seminars are able to help folks release the past, show up fully in the present and unleash their potential so they can achieve their dreams in the future. In fact, the reality is that most seminars just “pump you up” for a few days. That’s because most “gurus” lack the understanding of the psychological journey required to create and sustain lasting life transformations.
“Many people don’t know that I wrote Life’s Golden Ticket with a specific psychological journey in mind,” claims Burchard. “I took the character on a quick trip to transformation—a powerful, life-changing experience which helped him become more aware of his life’s story, accepting of who he is, accountable for how his life is evolving and action-oriented in creating the life of his dreams.”
Brendon Burchard takes participants through what he calls “the four gates of personal transformation:” awareness, acceptance, accountability and action. The interactive seminar helps participants feel more alive than they have felt in years and sets them on a course to a more joyful and successful future.
Burchard has spent the last decade studying people who have made dramatic transformations in the quality of their lives. More importantly, though, he has done the same in his own life.
He used his car accident to propel himself from a saddened and discouraged young man with few opportunities to a happy, vibrant, powerful and fulfilled life coach, businessman, nonprofit board member, leadership speaker and best-selling author. He fully leverages his experiences as a change expert for some of the world’s most prestigious companies, including Accenture, JC Penney, eBay, Best Buy and Nordstrom.
Copies of Life’s Golden Ticket are available for $20 at the Junior Achievement office. Call 309-682-1800 or visit IBI