Last month’s column focused on the interviewee preparing for the questions that employers ask during an interview. Let’s turn the tables now, and focus on the questions that the interviewee
should ask the employer.
Remember, the interview is also a time to learn more about the company’s philosophy, different aspects of the job for which you’re applying and what the company requires of its employees. These questions are as important as the ones asked of you. Be sure to ask questions respectfully, from an informed perspective based on your pre-interview research. You are asking your interviewer to expand on what you already know about his or her company.
- What is the company’s mission? Vision?
- What future plans does the company have for this position?
- What are the challenges the company is facing?
- What are some of the company’s long- and short-term goals?
- What is the company’s corporate culture like? What are the
company’s values?
- Is this a new/existing/revised position? If new, why was it created?
- Within the areas of responsibility, what are the two or three most significant goals you would expect me to accomplish?
- Where does this position fit within the company’s structure?
- What level is this position (entry, advanced, supervisory, etc.)?
- Can you give more detail of the position’s main responsibilities?
- With whom would I interact in this position?
- Which job duties/activities would I split my time between and how?
- Are there opportunities for growth and advancement? If so, what additional career opportunities might be open to me?
- What are the goals for the department I would work within?
- What are the major challenges in this position
(and for this organization)? - What results are expected?
Questions NOT to Ask
Avoid asking your interviewer personal questions, including how they got their job or what their opinion of the company is. Though questions
like these might be important to you, your first interview is not the time to get the answers. Also, never ask the interviewer’s opinion of a former employee. Never discuss politics or religion, unless the position is of a political or religious nature. Finally, it is also considered inappropriate during a first interview to directly inquire about salary, retirement plans, vacations, bonuses and holidays. Wait until you have received or are in the process of negotiating a job offer. iBi