December 2—Hanukkah Celebration, Peoria Public Library
December 2 to 22—Fine art students’ Thesis Exhibitions, Bradley University’s Hartmann Center Art Gallery
December 3—Peoria Symphony Guild’s Musical Morning, Grace and Peace Lutheran Church
December 3—Holiday Garden Luncheon, Lakeview Museum
December 5—Jinglin’ Jazz Concert, Luthy Botanical Garden
December 5 to 8—Community Children’s Theatre presents Anne of Green Gables, Peoria Players Theatre
December 5 to 8—Tazwood Dance Company, ICC
December 6, 7, 13, 14, 20, 21, 27, 28 and 31—Comedians, Brewster’s Comedy Club
December 6 to 8—Holiday Memories, ICC
December 6 to 8—English Renaissance Christmas Dinner, Eureka College
December 6 to 15—Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, Eastlight Theatre
December 6 to 8 and 13 to 15—Peoria Historical Society Candlelight Tours, Pettengill-Morron House and Flanagan House
December 7—Peoria Symphony presents Holiday Pops, Civic Center
December 8—Orpheus Club winter concert, Richwoods High School
December 9—Kwanzaa Celebration, Peoria Public Library
December 11—ICC Concert Band, Performing Arts Center
December 12—Prairie Wind Ensemble, ICC
December 12 to 14—A Taffeta’s Christmas, Peoria Players Theatre
December 13—Live at the Five Spot: Blues with Rob Williams & The Soggy Bottom Blues Band, Contemporary Art Center
December 13—Philharmonic Chorale, ICC
December 14—ICC Choirs, Performing Arts Center
December 14—Forest Park Nature Center Concert Series featuring Bunkhouse Buckaroos and Andy Wiesenhofer
December 14—Crimson Door Trunk Show, Peoria Art Guild
December 14 and 15—Peoria Ballet presents Nutcracker, Civic Center
December 15—Peoria Area Civic Chorale Youth Chorus, ICC
December 20 and 21—Illinois Ballet presents Christmas Special, Dingeldine Music Center
December 20 to 22—Peoria Area Civic Chorale presents An American Family Christmas, Civic Center
Through December 22—My Way, A Musical Tribute to Frank Sinatra, Apollo Professional Theatre
Through December 22—Spirit of Peoria holiday revue
Through December 23—The Season of Giving art sale, Lindsay’s on Liberty
Through December 31—No Sex Please, We’re British, Conklin’s Barn II Dinner Theatre
Through January 16—The Doctor in Art Norman Rockwell Paintings, Lakeview
December 27—Life at the Five Spot: Jazz with Cassie Hart & Friends, Contemporary Art Center
January 10 to 19—Ives Plus, Corn Stock
January 16 to March 7—Cash On Delivery, Conklin’s Barn II Dinner Theatre
January 18—Peoria Symphony presents Russian Romance, Civic Center
January 21 to 22—Fosse, Peoria Civic Center