A Publication of WTVP

When we think of the holidays, we can picture ourselves looking out the window to watch the falling snow as “White Christmas” is playing on the radio or beginning to hum “Silent Night” as we watch the town square nativity scene being unpacked. You can experience those warm feelings this year as Peoria Players Theatre and the Peoria Pops Orchestra present “A Holiday Extravaganza.”

The sights and sounds of the holiday will ring within the walls of Peoria Players Theatre again this Christmas. The show is a collaboration of talent from the Peoria Pops Orchestra and local vocalists and dancers. This year’s show will be reminiscent of the Radio City Music Hall Christmas. You’ll travel from the inside of a toy store to the caboose of the Polar Express and then to the stable of a nativity pageant.

The Peoria Pops Orchestra is an extension of the many different branches of the Peoria Park District; the orchestra upholds the Park District’s mission by providing a place for local musicians to utilize their gifts. This 40-piece orchestra, under the direction of Chris Piper, performs light classics, show tunes, Dixieland, pop, and more. The orchestra has performed on the Spirit of Peoria, Old Fashioned Sunday, Peoria Players, and the Glen Oak Amphitheatre.

Peoria Players Theatre serves as the host for the show, as well as providing the vocal and dancing talent. The theatre was organized in 1919 and is the oldest continuously running community theatre in the state and fourth oldest in the nation. The original and continuing purpose of the theatre is the promotion and presentation of live productions, the study of the art of theatre, and the encouragement of original dramatic works among its members.

“A Holiday Extravaganza” takes place at 7:30 p.m., December 16 and 17, and at 2:30 p.m., December 18. Tickets cost $15 for adults and $10 for students 18 and under. For more information, call 688-4473. AA!
