A Publication of WTVP

If Dimensional Displays doesn’t sound familiar yet, its parent company probably will. "Dimensional Displays was started about two years ago," said Sales Manager Kevin Blasek. "It’s a division of Peoria Flag & Decorating Co., Inc. Peoria Flag has been in the trade show business for years and was sought out by Nimlok, a company in Chicago, to be a distributor. A showroom was constructed in the Peoria Flag building that now houses many of the displays we offer."

Blasek said the main vision when Dimensional Displays was founded was to offer clients an outlet to purchase and/or rent trade show and promotional displays. "This was a natural extension of Peoria Flag as being an exhibition contractor. Our vision is still in the maturing stages; we’re still trying to get our name out and tell people what we have to offer."

The company’s products include everything from a small tabletop display to large freestanding tradeshow displays. Blasek said, "We also carry promotional and point-of-purchase displays. Dimensional Displays offers graphics and logo skirting to personalize a company’s image."

He said the company’s growth will happen as people become more aware of Dimensional Displays. "They’ll realize we take pride in our service, which has been a tradition of Peoria Flag for years."

The company’s showroom is among the list of what makes Dimensional Displays unique in the area, Blasek said. "Locally, we’re set apart from others who sell tradeshow displays by having a five-star showroom with most of the displays we offer. Our counterparts sell a limited variety of displays that usually are found in a catalog."

Blasek said the timing of Dimensional Displays’ debut wasn’t as opportune as it could have been, but he’s not worried about the long term. "The economy has been in a downturn since opening Dimensional Displays. Companies aren’t putting money in their budgets for extra amenities such as trade show displays. Many companies are living with what they have for displays at the moment, but as the economy gets better, we hope to grow as a business."

Particularly in these economic times, Blasek said one of the most important messages he wants to get out about Dimensional Displays is its rental business. "Many people are unaware that most of our displays can be rented, so you don’t have to make too big of an investment in a display."

Getting the word out about the business has included utilizing InterBusiness Issues, the Yellow Pages, direct mail, and trade shows, Blasek said.

Among the most challenging aspects of his job is being the sole employee. "I rely on the rest of the employees of Peoria Flag for backup," he explained. "Also, the most challenging part of any job is rejection. It’s hard to take sometimes, but when you eventually help someone, it becomes the most rewarding part of the job." IBI
