A Publication of WTVP

Where We Get the News
According to The State of the News Media, an annual report released by the Pew Project for Excellence in Journalism, more and more people are turning to the Web to get their news. No big surprise there. Last year, digital was the only media sector that experienced audience growth. Forty-six percent of Americans said they got their news online at least three times a week, a figure that surpassed newspapers (40%) for the first time. Local TV news remains on top at 50 percent, but for how long?

Nielsen’s Media Universe
From smartphones to 3D TVs, The Nielsen Company measures and explains the landscape of device usage in the United States. Here are some quick facts, according to the company’s U.S. Audiences & Devices Report, released in January. The report can be downloaded in its entirety at nielsen.com:

Getting Social
A long-time hub for social engagement, the Country Club of Peoria has attracted members with its wide range of amenities, from terrace dining with a breathtaking view of the Illinois River to its swimming and tennis facilities. And now, the Club has created a new membership program for those interested in the social aspects of Club life, but who would not fully utilize elements of the premium package. The monthly fees of the new Social Membership are less, but those who opt for the plan can enjoy the same social amenities and facilities. For more information, call (309) 686-2582.

10 Mistakes In Strength Training
by Brian Barlow, Country Club of Peoria

Here are the 10 biggest mistakes that I have seen people make in their strength training sessions:

  1. Not training hard enough. In order to get stronger, you must apply the overload principle. Specifically, you should perform each exercise to the point of complete exhaustion, using a heavy enough weight that you are only able to perform between six and 12 slow, controlled reps.
  2. Not training progressively. You must attempt to increase resistance (overload), and/or the amount of reps performed each session.
  3. Too much volume, too little effort. Most people do too many exercises and sets. Effort (intensity) is the ke y to becoming stronger, not training volume. Less strength training with greater effort will elicit positive results.  
  4. Training too frequently. The body must be allowed adequate time between workouts to fully recover and adapt, or gains will not occur.
  5. Not keeping a workout journal. 
  6. Using sloppy technique. This drives me crazy. Poor form reduces the effectiveness of the exercise and increases the likelihood of injury. I like to say that you can never go slowly enough.
  7. Switching exercises or routines too often. My feeling is that you have to get strong at certain exercises. So why would you not do them on a regular basis? I don’t believe in the myth that the muscles stop adapting to a particular exercise. If you only perform a few basic exercises, covering all the major muscle groups, and train progressively and with great effort, you will become as strong as your genetics will allow.  
  8. Not training the legs. Squats, leg press, dead lifts, lunges, hip abduction and adduction, calf raises, et al. are all very important to overall body strength and balance. If you want to improve balance, get stronger legs.
  9. Not having a quality diet. The old saying “you are what you eat” is very true. Ninety-nine percent of overweight people are overweight not because they have a slow metabolism, but because of a poor diet. 
  10. Stretching before or during a session. Stretching does not reduce the risk of muscle injury; it’s an absolute waste of time. In fact, it will increase the risk for a muscle injury. So, the next time a fitness “expert” tells you that stretching is important, tell them to show you the research.

Brian Barlow is the fitness director at the Country Club of Peoria. He can be reached at [email protected].
