A Publication of WTVP

There are many opinions on the topic of leadership and charisma—more than I can count, it seems. And many seem to assume that great leaders are born, not made. Really? If so, then how does a formerly infallible, 722.46 leaders are born, not made” holds true, then how can they later become ineffective? Let’s explore further……

Consider the qualities of a charismatic leader. This list could go on and on, but the following seem to come up most frequently:

There’s also what appears to be irrefutable evidence, according to a number of surveys, of a direct link between strong, charismatic leadership and employee engagement. As a result, there is an important and obvious connection between great leaders and improved bottom-line performance of a company.

Leadership Charisma & Employee Engagement
A Towers Perrin Global Workforce Study surveyed approximately 90,000 employees in 18 countries. The highlights of that 2007-2008 study were as follows:

Gallup Management Journal’s most recent Employee Engagement Index reported that 54 percent of U.S. employees are not engaged, another 17 percent are actively disengaged, while just 29 percent are engaged. This is very disappointing, to say the least, but not surprising. The estimated cost of disengaged employees? A staggering $250 to $350 billion per annum! The key takeaway from this study was that employee engagement largely starts with leadership at the top of the organization. Good leadership, good employee engagement and subsequently, a solid bottom line.

If these numbers are indeed true, then leadership is obviously failing and our results are declining. So, if the argument that great leaders are “born” were to hold true, wouldn’t our results maintain at a higher rate?

Sometimes great leaders begin to slide in their effectiveness. Once inspirational, engaging and able to move the meter on the bottom line, that same leader is now failing miserably and may even lose his or her job. I have personally seen this happen more than once in my work with organizations and their leaders. In each case, some very clear and distinct symptoms showed up.

Common Faults of Non-Charismatic Leaders

Why did these formerly great leaders suddenly take on these less productive habits and patterns? Answers varied, but the most common one I seemed to be hearing revolved around burnout, stress and feeling overwhelmed. Enormous pressure from the board and shareholders. A rapidly shifting and challenging business landscape that suddenly had them all feeling, as one leader put it, “like a dog chasing cars, and the cars were winning!”

In each case, they had lost their way and drifted so far from the real person and leader they used to be that I could hardly recognize a few of them. Not a good place to be, to say the least. If you are a leader and want to avoid slipping into these traps that rob you of your effectiveness and charisma, avoid these common faults and stick to the basics that made you a success. It takes diligence, hard work and self-discipline, but it can be done! iBi
