A Publication of WTVP

AAIM’s CEO Phil Brandt recently shared with his team that although leadership begins with him, it is not about him. If he does not forget that, he believes he can take his team’s performance to a new level. What is leadership about, then? It’s about the mission and the success of the mission.

Phil went on to say that for leaders to get out of their own way and allow the mission to succeed, they would do well to consider this mode of thinking:

There is much talk today of identifying one’s own leadership style—and that is acceptable until it becomes all about the leader. There is value in understanding the leadership style that someone else is (knowingly or unknowingly) demonstrating to you. To which of these styles do you default?

The Napoleon Leader

The Facebook Leader

The Momentum = MV Leader

The Leader as a Developer

The Einstein Leader

Leadership: The Paradox and Irony
The leader is critical, but it isn’t about the leader, it’s about the mission. The irony is that it starts with “the who” (the people) rather than “the what” (the mission). Where’s Abbott and Costello? Is it any wonder that leadership is so hard to define?

Most of us already work for a company that has an established mission. But the right people come first, because the reality is that they determine mission success. Do I hear the door of Jim Collins’ Good to Great bus opening so the right people can not only get on, but get in the right seats? iBi
