A Publication of WTVP

The Greatest Entrepreneur? Teenagers Reflect…
According to a survey of 1,000 teens conducted by Junior Achievement USA (JA) and ORC International, Microsoft cofounder Bill Gates is the “Greatest Entrepreneur Alive Today.” Of those teens expressing an opinion, more than a third (37%) picked Bill Gates, followed by entertainment legends Beyoncé (15%) and Oprah Winfrey (11%), Donald Trump and Mark Zuckerberg (tied at 7%), and Mark Cuban and Taylor Swift (3%). Daymond John and Barbara Corcoran rounded out the list (tied at 1%).

According to another survey of 500 teens conducted by JA and ORC International, most 13- to 17-year-olds (87%) have an interest in starting their own business. Nearly half (47%) of teens who expressed an interest would only consider doing so if they were given information on how to run a business, while one in five would only do so if someone was willing to lend them money. Eleven percent would if they knew someone who owns their own business, while nine percent would need to have a family member with their own business to feel confident enough to become an entrepreneur.

To help engage future entrepreneurs, JA of Central Illinois provides programs to more than 15,400 students in Logan, McLean, Peoria, Sangamon and Woodford counties. Entrepreneurs and business leaders interested in sharing their expertise can call (309) 682-1800 or email [email protected]. For more information, visit centralillinois.ja.org.

Plan the Best Holiday Office Party in Town!
In charge of throwing your office holiday party and need a place to start? Check out a few tips from Crain’s Chicago Business to help you get the ball rolling for a festive workplace celebration!

For more tips, check out Crain's Corporate Holiday Guide at chicagobusiness.com/corporate-holiday-guide-2016.

Do Women MakeBetter Entrepreneurs?
According to the 2016 BNP Paribas Global Entrepreneur Report, female entrepreneurs are slightly more successful than their male counterparts, with women-run companies generating about 13 percent more annual revenue than those run by men. Women also tend to hold higher expectations and a more positive business attitude toward the future of their businesses.

Source: 2016 BNP Paribas Global Entrepreneur Report

Labor After Labor
It’s not easy being a working professional or a mother—being both is twice the challenge! Yet moms playing double duty face this task every day, despite a range of obstacles thrown their way. In May 2016, the Kauffman Foundation released Labor After Labor, the first in a series of reports on entrepreneurship and motherhood, exploring the trends, challenges and needs of mothers in the workplace and providing some recommendations that could help improve the landscape for mother entrepreneurs—and the overall U.S. economy:

There’s a lot whole more in this report—visit kauffman.org to download it in its entirety.

Rising Female Stars Unlikely to Become CEO
A recent study by McKinsey & Company and LeanIn.Org shows women are less likely than men to get a first critical promotion to manager, so far fewer women get started on the path to leadership. As a result, the higher you look in companies, the fewer women you see.

Released in September, Women in the Workplace 2016 is a comprehensive annual study of the state of women in corporate America, based on data from 132 companies that employ more than 4.6 million people, including Visa, MetLife, JPMorgan Chase, Procter & Gamble, Facebook and General Motors. Among its key findings:

The report identifies concrete steps companies can take to advance gender diversity efforts, including explaining why it matters and how it benefits everyone; ensuring their hiring, promotion and performance review polices are fair; and investing in training so employees know the steps they can take to promote gender diversity. In addition, they can place more emphasis on accountability and set targets so it's easier to track and make progress. The complete report is available for download at womenintheworkplace.com. iBi
