A Publication of WTVP

Embrace the framework that will guide your organization’s continuous improvement.

In today’s business climate, it is increasingly difficult for organizations to differentiate themselves by implementing continuous improvement efforts alone. It is no longer good enough to merely identify incremental areas where change is needed. And how do you prioritize the change? What sets your organization’s improvement efforts apart from your competition down the street… or across town?

It must now be about the big picture—the holistic approach to striving for excellence and achieving more. By focusing on the key aspects of your business—the people, process and products—you can build an overarching system of improvement, optimizing individual areas while focusing on the complete vision.

Ask yourself the three critical questions for leaders who seek excellence in their organizations:

Healthcare, manufacturing, education, nonprofits, small businesses and many others have the ability to improve the strategy upon which they strive for excellence. Through the Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence, companies can drive process excellence by:

The Baldrige Criteria are designed to help organizations use an integrated approach to organizational performance management that results in delivery of ever-improving value to customers and stakeholders, contributing to organizational sustainability improvement, and developing capabilities for organizational and personal learning.

These values and concepts are embedded beliefs and behaviors found in high-performing organizations. They are the foundation for integrating key performance and operational requirements within a results-oriented framework that creates a basis for action and feedback.

Illinois Performance Excellence (ILPEx) partners with Illinois leaders to build organizational knowledge and capability to achieve performance excellence and contribute to the economic vitality of their community. The journey requires a process-centered discipline, designed for learning and integration in order to continually achieve exceptional results. The framework of the Criteria for Performance Excellence allows an organization to go at its own pace and understand the steps toward mature processes. Through the method of approach, deployment, learning and integration, processes become repeatable and regularly evaluated for change and improvement in collaboration with other affected units.

By working with Illinois Performance Excellence and the Criteria, you will:

Share your learning, action and results with organizations statewide that will learn from your experience, commitment and achievement.

To learn more about ILPEx and get started on your journey to excellence, visit ilpex.org. iBi
