A Publication of WTVP

There is a mistake so common in hiring practices that most companies don’t even realize they’re making it. In many cases, they’re simply doing what they’ve always done.

See if this scenario sounds familiar:

Your company experiences some sort of change in business—maybe sales increase or someone resigns—and then management works with the HR team to determine which positions need to be filled. Job descriptions are posted on relevant websites or submitted to recruiters. Perhaps there is an internal announcement and invitation for current employees to apply if they’re interested. In other words: Your company sets out lures and waits for potential candidates to bite.

Then they collect CVs, manually sort through them, start to arrange interviews and juggle schedules. The more skill required for the job, the more time the hiring process is likely to take. Your business however, still demands what’s needed, so they have to find ways to adapt until the right person is found. It’s often stressful. Sometimes, it takes so long to find the right person that they end up compromising on a “good enough” person—just to fill the role and be done with it.

This is a story we know all too well. For many, it’s simply the way it works.

I’m here to say: That way doesn’t work all that well and yes, there is a better way.

I’ll even dare to say that using that traditional approach is a mistake.

It’s time for us to evolve hiring practices and use technology to better connect the right people with the right opportunities at the right time.

It’s time for us to let go of the old way—there is a new sourcing paradigm.

Scout for talent all the time, not just when you think you need it

Be proactive—not reactive. Let go of the mindset that only values recruiting when a position is open. Instead of focusing on skills specific to a role, know what qualities and characteristics are important to you. For example: At my company, there are three things all new hires must have: (1) a natural fit within our culture (2) a passion for the work they do (3) a willingness to take risks for the sake of growth and innovation. With that in mind, we have an awareness that helps us recognize anyone, at any time, in any context, who has potential to be a great fit.

Entrust all employees to recommend talent, not just management or HR

Your employees are your best ambassadors; they know your business, your culture and who would be a great fit. They should be at the heart of your recruitment efforts. Encourage them to not only share opportunities with their networks, but also to recommend talented people they think embody your company culture. Data also shows that a strong referral process can save significant money, onboarding time, and better retention.

Have a standing invitation for people to apply, not just when you post a position

Always keep an open invitation for talented people to submit their CV and ideas as to how they’d like to bring value to your company. A truly talented person is always worth talking to and creating a connection with—you never know what could come of it. So make sure you’re receptive and encouraging to new talent.

Look beyond the CV—see what prospective talent create online

If you’re just evaluating talent based on their CV or resume, you’re only seeing a fraction of the picture. What are they communicating to the world on their social media channels? What influence might they have built with their followers? What kind of leadership are they demonstrating? What endorsements and recommendations have they received on LinkedIn? Widen your view to see what value they currently bring. This is a great indicator of what they can contribute to your company.

Leverage integrated technology to collaborate and nurture a talent database

Stop using disconnected methods, like paper files, Excel spreadsheets, or even standalone software designed for HR use to manage your talent. They aren’t conducive to collaboration; they’re not integrated and working from a single database that allows multiple departments to contribute and reference relevant data that is up-to-date.

This evolution of hiring talent will seem like a revolution for many companies. Maybe even for yours! I won’t pretend that this process is easy or something that can be done overnight. But I also won’t pretend that you can afford to keep doing what you’ve been doing. The evolution in hiring practices will move forward with or without you. So why not embrace how much better your hiring process can be? iBi

Alexandre Pachulski serves as the Chief Product Officer at Talentsoft. With over 10 years of double expertise in HR and IT, his mission at Talentsoft is to design the market's most innovative software package, particularly by incorporating HR know-how into Talent Management and strategic HR decision support.
