A Publication of WTVP

Welcome to the third annual “Community Impact”issue of iBi—and once again, our biggest issue to date. We hope you find it a helpful resource for potential volunteers and donors, nonprofit workers and administrators, and others involved with Greater Peoria’s charitable community. Even as so many of our nonprofit organizations continue to await payments from the state, they have carried on their missions with resolve and dignity.

From the duties of board service, to understanding the millennial donor, to the key elements of successful fundraisers, this issue touches on a range of relevant issues. These remarkable organizations are educating our children, feeding the hungry, assisting victims of abuse, providing shelter for the homeless, and elevating the spirit through the arts… In short, they are working together to build a better community. 

The act of building community well-being has been likened to building a house. It’s a simple, but useful analogy. And we’re all under the same roof. 

We are thankful for our nonprofits and those who carry out this good work each and every day. We are also grateful for our advertisers and sponsors who stepped up to help us expand this issue. Special thanks to Caterpillar Inc. and the Caterpillar Foundation, Ameren Illinois and Advanced Medical Transport for their continued support of our region’s nonprofit community.

Last month, I was privileged to be baptized and confirmed in the Heart of Peoria Catholic Community, after preparing for more than a year. Part of the beautiful service involved the selection of a confirmation name. With the help of a dear friend, I chose St. Francis de Sales, patron saint of writers and journalists, who gave spiritual direction to many people through his letters and pamphlets.

Another friend challenged me to share this experience through my publisher’s note. As is often the case, I find current events and personal experiences relating directly to the focus of this magazine, and so it is again. 

I encourage you to get to know the many worthy organizations profiled in this issue. Consider how you can help them make a positive impact on someone’s life. I challenge you to consider your passion, find a cause that’s near to your heart, and give of your time, talent and treasure to help build a better community. 

In conclusion, I’m reminded of a powerful message a friend posted on social media recently: “We’re all just walking each other home.” Sit with that for a moment. Community well-being is an investment in all of us, and everyone benefits. iBi
