
A Publication of WTVP

Peoria Magazine is no longer in production. Publication ended with the November 2023 issue.

As Director of Division 1 operations for Ameren Illinois, I'm often asked about the scope of our local operations. Each day, our customers may pass a substation or two, observe a bucket truck and our yellow-vested workers working the lines high above the street in a local neighborhood, or notice as our crews upgrade the natural gas pipelines underground.

But most folks likely don't realize what it takes to build and maintain the physical infrastructure that is needed to deliver energy safely and reliably. They don't think about the personnel, equipment and support resources needed to ensure that the lights stay on. They may be unaware of improvements that are being made each day to modernize this system to meet the needs of local energy customers.

As most people know, Peoria was formerly headquarters for Central Illinois Light Company (CILCO), which was acquired by Ameren Corporation in 2004. Today, Ameren Illinois serves 1.2 million customers in 1,200 communities over a 43,000 square-mile territory. That’s three-quarters of the land mass in the entire state.

Peoria is home to our Division 1 operations, which I manage along with my team. We operate out of Washington (electric), Peoria (electric and natural gas), Kewanee (electric and natural gas), Galesburg (electric and natural gas) and LaSalle (electric and natural gas). Our 371 local employees are responsible for building and maintaining a vast electric and natural gas infrastructure, including 9,622 miles of power lines and 3,657 miles of natural gas pipeline. At our downtown Peoria offices, you'll find our customer service center employees, energy efficiency personnel and other administrative support professionals.

We're excited about the investments we have been making to modernize our system and improve reliability for our customers:

What does it all mean? We're in the results business, and the results of these investments are clear.

We appreciate the responsibility we have to ensure that our business partners have the power they need to meet the needs of their customers. So, the next time you're out, take a moment to notice the energy infrastructure that surrounds you, and think of the people who work hard every day to make it run. iBi
