
A Publication of WTVP

It’s amazing how few professionals really know how to “work” a room. They actually think lunches, receptions and similar events are for eating, drinking and making merry! They don’t stay focused on the networking opportunities such events provide. Worse, they tend to congregate in a circle or sit with their friends instead of working the room and agreeing to meet afterwards to share information on the contacts they made.

Below are some tips to help you take advantage of networking opportunities. While some may be common sense and second nature to you, others may help you get the results you want.

“So, how do you like the show?”
“How long have you been coming?”
“Do you know the new President?”
“Did you enjoy the speaker today?”
“How’s business in your neck of the woods?”
“I’ve been wanting to meet you, Mr. Smith.”
“I love the new _________ your company has.”
