A new book by futurists Marian Salzman and Ira Matathia entitled Next Now: Trends for the Future suggests 10 trends that will affect women in 2007. Salzman says, “There are many new segments of women emerging today, largely because the definition of ‘having it all’ is changing: it is becoming self-defined rather than society-defined. Women are accepting, even embracing their imperfections and limitations as they realize that trying to be everything to everyone all at once is both unrealistic and unnecessary in a post feminist world.”
What are these trends, according to the authors?
1. She’s the Boss. Women will fill the need for more educated workers in growth sectors such as information technology.
2. Arranged Marriages. While popular in some cultures, more Western singles with little time on their hands will ask extended families and online services specializing in arranging partnerships to help make their match.
3. Atalantas. The earning power and expendable income will rise with each year as this powerful demographic eagerly indulges in luxuries.
4. The Age Shuffle. Redefining young and old not by chronological years, but by shared experiences and attitudes.
5. Alpha Moms. The well-informed, strong, decisive multi-tasker is confident and in control.
6. Peerents. A new term describing parenting through sharing experiences.
7. Brand Sluts. Consumers who brand-hop with no sense of loyalty.
8. Taking Back Tradition. A new attitude towards full-time motherhood.
9. Gender is a Blank Canvas. Gender and sexuality become more blurred as definitions of masculinity and femininity continue to be challenged.
10. Cougars. Redefining May-December romances in which women seek younger men.
In contrast, a 1943 article written for male supervisors of women in the workforce suggests to employers, “Retain a physician to give each woman you hire a special physical examination—one covering female conditions. This step not only protects the property against the possibilities of lawsuits, but reveals whether the employee-to-be has any female weakness which would make her mentally or physically unfit for the job. Another tip: “Give every girl an adequate number of rest periods during the day. You have to make some allowances for feminine psychology. A girl has more confidence and is more efficient if she can keep her hair tidied, apply fresh lipstick and wash her hands several times a day.” Yes, we sure have come a long way, ladies!
And so, too, has The Peoria Woman. Our style was much different in 1990. We were never a “feminist” magazine; we are pragmatic about life, like most Midwesterners. As our readers have remained loyal, our daughters are now beginning their careers. We hope to appeal to their interests as well: from maternity to menopause; from entry-level career advice to the CEO track. Send us your suggestions for topics to be covered and women to be featured. We aren’t just your mother’s magazine. tpw