A Publication of WTVP

Our Response to Community Needs

Our community is now faced with perhaps the most significant cause of our lifetimes.

by Mark Roberts, Community Foundation of Central Illinois |
Mark Roberts

The COVID-19 situation continues to evolve, and our communities must be ready to adapt just as quickly. That is why the Community Foundation of Central Illinois (CFCI) is accepting donations for local coronavirus relief via the Central Illinois Disaster Recovery Fund.

First established in response to the tornadoes that impacted our region in November of 2013, the Disaster Recovery Fund will accept tax-deductible donations that will be used to provide grant support to community-based organizations supporting local residents and families who are most affected by emerging health, economic and social impacts.

Leverage for Impact
As always, CFCI will determine how we can leverage the donations we receive with other community organizations to make the best impact. We think it’s important that we direct your charitable resources in a collaborative, targeted manner to ensure we don’t duplicate efforts—and that we direct resources to where they are needed most, as nimbly as possible. 

As this situation continues to evolve, unmet needs and funding gaps are likely to emerge, which points out the need to have a robust source of flexible charitable funding available for the community. 

“We are encouraging donors from all levels of giving capability to help us raise needed funds for this important relief program,” says Don Shafer, CFCI board chair. “The impact of the coronavirus is widespread, and the Community Foundation stands ready to assist.”

How to Contribute
Individuals and organizations can contribute to the Central Illinois Disaster Recovery Fund through the following options:

  • Credit card donations via CFCI’s secure website: communityfoundationci.org
  • Checks mailed directly to CFCI at 3625 North Sheridan Road, Peoria IL 61604
  • Texting “CFCI” to 50155

Please designate your gifts for the Central Illinois Disaster Recovery Fund. All donations are tax-deductible, and no portion of the fund will be used for CFCI’s administrative or operational expenses. 

Our Mission

A key portion of CFCI’s mission statement reads “Connecting People Who Care with Causes That Matter.” Our community is now faced with perhaps the most significant “cause that matters” of our lifetimes. It is time for all of us who care about the greater central Illinois area to come to the aid of our friends and neighbors in need. PM

Mark Roberts is president and CEO of the Community Foundation of Central Illinois. For more information, call (309) 674-8730 or visit communityfoundationci.org

