A Publication of WTVP

From Timber Edge to Table

Carroll’s Timber Edge Farm offers chemical-free vegetables at the peak of ripeness, along with a variety of herbs and fruits.

by Peoria Magazine |
Carroll’s Timber Edge Farm

by Jonathan Wright

Located three miles northwest of Pontiac, Carroll’s Timber Edge Farm is in its ninth year offering chemical-free vegetables at the peak of ripeness, along with a variety of herbs and fruits. “We grow 34 types and over 110 varieties of vegetables and herbs,” explain owners Chuck and Kathy Carroll. That includes heirloom tomato varieties like Striped German and Cherokee Purple, onion varieties such as Red Wing and French Tropea, and a wide range of staples—from sweet corn and sweet potatoes to cucumbers, squash, bell peppers, cabbage, garlic and more.

After tending a large family garden for many years, the Carrolls decided to share the fruits of their labor with others. In 2012 they expanded their garden, added a hoop house and drip irrigation, and started a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture). Not only does the CSA provide fresh local produce to subscribers, it helps the Carrolls provide experiences for young people to become sustainable, regenerative, chemical-free farmers through their internship program. facebook.com/carrollsfarmPM

