A Publication of WTVP

Community Impact

In 2019, Bike Peoria absorbed Trail Advocates of Central Illinois (TACI) . Formerly Friends of the Rock Island Trail, TACI is now operating under Bike Peoria, sharing a board of directors and other organizational resources.

Bike Peoria

Empower Peoria to travel by bicycle.

Bike Peoria envisions a city where riding a bicycle is safe, easy and enjoyable.

Founded in 2013, Bike Peoria has been working towards the following five goals: Improve Community Health; Improve Community Wealth; Deliver Education; Preserve Environment; and Stimulate Economics.
Bike Peoria works to accomplish these goals via advocacy, community, education and events.

In 2014, Bike Peoria established a volunteer-run workshop space (Bike Peoria Co-Op, 612 W. Main Street) with professional tools and community resources for people to repair bikes, share knowledge, hold classes, and advocate for bicycling in Peoria.

Please follow Bike Peoria on Facebook (@BikePeoria) for the latest on events and happenings.

Facebook: @BikePeoria
Twitter: @bikepeoria
Instagram: @bikepeoria

Trail Advocates of Central Illinois

Advocacy for and maintenance of trails and non-motorized transportation and recreation facilities and accommodations within Central Illinois.

Central Illinois will be connected to the world through non-motorized transportation alternatives.

Originally formed as Friends of the Rock Island Trail, TACI has been working to develop, maintain and advocate for multi-use trail systems in and around Peoria since 1975. Whether through volunteerism (helping to keep existing trails clean and functional) or lobbying efforts for retaining or adding new trails, TACI improves the quality of life in central Illinois by helping make high-quality recreational trails available to all.

Recognizing many shared and overlapping aspects of mission, vision and organizational values, TACI joined forces with Bike Peoria in 2019.

Please go to bikepeoria.org/TACI for more information on our efforts, upcoming events, or to learn how you can become a supporter.

Facebook: @TAofCI

Bike Peoria & Trail Advocates of Central Illinois
612 W. Main Street
Peoria, IL 61606
(309) 621-1706
[email protected]

Brent Baker, President
Ryan Deemer, Vice President
Evan Stumpges, Treasurer
Per Ellingson, Education/Secretary
John Seckler, Marketing Chair
Jeremy Coleman, Advocacy Chair

