A Publication of WTVP

Community Impact

Established in 1985, the Community Foundation of Central Illinois is a philanthropic resource committed to connecting people who care with causes that matter.

The Community Foundation of Central Illinois will make a sustainable philanthropic impact in our community through visible leadership in connecting people who care with causes that matter.

The Community Foundation of Central Illinois (CFCI) carries out our mission by building permanent endowments as charitable capital for the central Illinois community. We maintain high professional standards in the investment and management of funds entrusted to us, and also promote effective and efficient grantmaking to serve the current and future needs of central Illinois.

CFCI acts as a vehicle to serve donors with varied interests at various levels of charitable giving and links them with agencies that can most efficiently carry out their objectives and desires. We offer maximum flexibility in terms of assets that can be used to create a fund and options for the use of donors’ gifts. 
Women’s Fund 
The Women’s Fund endowment supports projects that strengthen families and communities by empowering women and girls. Since its inception, the Women’s Fund has contributed well over $400,000 in grants to support local nonprofit organizations.

The goal for the Women’s Fund is finding 1,000 women who will each donate $1,000 to create a million-dollar endowment. For the first time in its history, the endowment is nearly $700,000. This level of giving creates a legacy that will live on beyond all of us. With a million-dollar endowment, the Women’s Fund would be able to grant over $40,000 to deserving programs each year for generations to come. 
Emerging Philanthropists Fund 
The CFCI Emerging Philanthropists Fund is designed to invigorate emerging community leaders to come together as philanthropists. Since its inception in 2012, the Emerging Philanthropists Fund has granted over $40,000 to support innovative programs serving unmet needs in the community and has built a permanent endowed fund surpassing $50,000. The membership is comprised of a cross-section of professionals in central Illinois who have an interest in positively impacting the quality of life in our community through grantmaking. Each year as the Fund grows, a portion is regranted into the community.
Legacy Society 
The Legacy Society is a group of dedicated individuals who support our mission by naming the Foundation in their will or other planned giving vehicle, or have established a permanent endowment fund with CFCI.

Planned giving offers flexible options to continue your passions beyond your lifetime. Working with an attorney, you can add simple bequest language to your will to support CFCI’s unrestricted fund or a named component fund within the Foundation. The Foundation’s unrestricted fund, the Community Impact Fund, responds to ever-changing needs in the CFCI service area by awarding grants to nonprofits working to improve the quality of life throughout central Illinois. Your estate can also establish a component fund or flow into an existing fund from which grants will be made in perpetuity to support the causes and organizations that you care about most.

How to Help
Donations can be made at communityfoundationci.org (Network for Good) or mailed to the office. To support a specific CFCI fund or to start a new fund, call (309) 674-8730 or email [email protected].

Community Foundation of Central Illinois
3625 N. Sheridan Road
Peoria, IL 61604
(309) 674-8730
Fax: (309) 674-8754
[email protected]

Facebook: @CommunityFoundationCI
Twitter: @CommFoundCI
Instagram: @communityfoundation_ci
LinkedIn: @community-foundation-of-central-illinois 

Mark Roberts, President & CEO
Sarah Fletcher, Director of Grants and Community Initiatives
Jacqueline Mauer, Financial Manager
Kristina Rockhold, Director of Communications
Jeanette Wilson, Administrative Assistant

