A Publication of WTVP

Community Impact

Community Impact Guide
2Organization Information
3Web and Social Media
4Mission, Vision, Values
5Staff & Board
6Media Files
7Submit Form

Making An Impact Every Day

All day, every day, nonprofit organizations are a vital part of our healthy, thriving community.

These mission-driven activities and services provide a stronger community. Organizations like these touch our lives through health and human services, environmental concerns, education, social services, the arts, and many more. Their many contributions to the fabric of daily life are nothing short of extraordinary.

The 2023-2024 Community Impact Guide, published and bundled with the May 2023 issue of Peoria Magazine, shines a spotlight on just a few of the organizations that are elevating the quality of life in our region. View the2022-2023 Guide here. We urge you to support and nurture these organizations so they can continue making an impact.

You will need to gather information to fulfill the following Peoria Magazine Community Impact submission form:

  • Contact information
  • Social media links
  • Organizational goals

The questions include the organizations:

  • Mission statement, vision, values and functionsyour organization performs.
  • The Did You Know? question is your chance to showcase interesting facts about your organization.
  • Our How to Help? question is how the community can get involved in your organization through volunteer opportunities, donations, etc.

Thanks to our partners: Advanced Medical Transport of Central Illinois, the Caterpillar Visitor Center, OSF Healthcare, Heart of Illinois United Way and Bradley University, for making this publication possible.

