A Publication of WTVP

Community Impact

With residents and partners, LISC forges resilient and inclusive communities of opportunity across America—great places to live, work, visit, do business and raise families.

As a comprehensive community development enterprise, LISC’s vision is a holistic one based on the belief that empowering people, transforming places, supporting local economies, and fostering leadership and innovation in partnership with the entire community is what builds resilient and inclusive communities of opportunity for all.

LISC Central Illinois collaborates with local stakeholders to advance strategies that support wealth building, resilience and economic mobility, including programs that:

  • Connect community residents to quality jobs and promote financial stability
  • Strengthen traditionally disinvested businesses and entrepreneurs
  • Advance housing preservation and ownership strategies
  • Support community-based organizations and leaders

Strategies We Pursue

  • Invest in businesses, housing and other community infrastructure to catalyze economic, health, safety and educational mobility for individuals and communities
  • Strengthen existing alliances while building new collaborations to increase our impact on the well-being of people and places
  • Develop local leadership and the capacity of partners to advance our work together
  • Equip talent in underinvested communities with the skills and credentials to compete successfully for quality income and wealth building opportunities
  • Drive local, regional, and national policy and system changes that foster broadly shared prosperity and well-being

How We Work
LISC works with a vast network of community-based partners to make investments in housing, businesses, jobs, education, safety, and health.

LISC receives funding from banks, corporations, foundations and government agencies. In return, LISC uses that funding to provide financing (loans, grants, and equity) and technical and management assistance to local partners and developers.

How to Help
Donate at secure.givelively.org/donate/local-initiatives-support-corp/lisc-central-illinois or contact Angela Bolden at [email protected].

LISC Central Illinois
101 SW Adams Street
Peoria, IL 61602
(309) 676-5472
(309) 430-6076
[email protected]

Facebook: @LISCcentralillinois

Angela Bolden, Executive Director
Fred Stewart, Assistant Program Officer
Jessica Weitzel, Lending Officer

