A Publication of WTVP

Community Impact

(Formerly South Side Office of Concern)

A stable home is the key to health and wellness, safety and security, financial stability, self-sufficiency and independence. When individuals and families move from homelessness into permanent housing, our community becomes stronger and healthier. Phoenix Community Development Services (PCDS) is dedicated to helping those without homes find the safe, affordable housing they need to end their homelessness permanently.

PCDS currently serves approximately 900 individuals annually in Peoria, Tazewell, Woodford and Fulton counties with the following services:

Supportive Housing Services provide safe, affordable housing and on-site services that empower residents to increase their independence, improve their quality of life, and maintain their housing on a permanent basis. With 159 units, PCDS is the largest provider of supportive housing for homeless veterans, individuals and families in the area. Providing a place to live is only the beginning. PCDS works to ensure each family or individual is able to maintain their home with services and support dedicated to helping each build the self-sufficiency and the skills they need to change their lives. PCDS supportive housing programs are extremely effective—96 percent of those housed do not return to homelessness.

Community Support Services provides services to individuals with disabilities who reside independently in the community (not in PCDS housing) to enable them to maintain their independent living situation.

The Homeless Outreach program provides support services for individuals who are homeless or at imminent risk of becoming homeless. The goal is to help them meet daily living needs, access care and services that can improve their lives, and find safe housing. After placement into housing, case management services support each family and link them to the community resources that will enable them to achieve long-term housing stability and avoid a return to homelessness. The program is extremely effective—80 percent of the unsheltered individuals (those living in places unfit for human habitation) engaged are assisted in securing housing to end their homelessness.

The Housing & Community Development Division is dedicated to new supportive housing development, mainstream affordable housing development and broad-based community development activities.

How to Help
PCDS would not be able to fulfill its mission without the generous support of our friends. Whether you give your time, donate goods and services, or a make financial contribution, your support will make an impact! Give online at phoenixcds.org or call (309) 222-2751.


  • Complete a one-time maintenance or improvement project.
  • Share your knowledge and expertise as a member of the Board of Trustees.
  • Assist with planning and implementation of special fundraising events.
  • Share your special hobby or skill with housing residents.


  • Make a financial gift to benefit a specific program or to support PCDS services.
  • Donate new household items, such as basic kitchen equipment and utensils, bath towels and basic cleaning equipment for homeless families placed into housing.
  • Provide a nutritious meal for residents at Veterans Haven or New Hope Apartments.
  • Hold a drive to collect supplies to support homeless outreach efforts.
  • Buy a ticket, be a sponsor, or donate needed goods and services to one of PCDS’s special events. You’ll not only have a great time—you’ll also be helping to change lives.

Phoenix Community Development Services
202 NE Madison Avenue
Peoria, IL 61602
(309) 674-7310

Christine Kahl, President/Chief Executive Officer
Sara Runyon, Vice President/Chief Operating Officer
Robert Cobler, Vice President/Chief Financial Officer
Nick Mitchell, Vice President of Housing and Community Development

