A Publication of WTVP

The Peoria Area Chamber of Commerce has 1,300 members for whom it provides a plethora of opportunities and services. Opportunities to network exist through events like our Business After Hours, which takes place every month; the golf outing; Thanksgiving Luncheon; and annual meeting.

We provide opportunities to advertise in our Chamber Report; on our Web site; and at our trade show, the largest in downstate Illinois.

Opportunities to learn more about the community are provided through Community Leadership School, where businesses can send their rising young stars to attend a 12-week class to learn about; our monthly business breakfast series; and the Chamber’s monthly television show.

What we do is good; we’re one of the top 10 percent of chambers in the U.S. We are striving to do even better, and we hope you’ll join us in the effort.

The Chamber Board of Directors developed a new strategic plan to be implemented this year. We determined we can provide value to our members in two ways: by fostering a positive business climate in our region and by providing products and services that improve our members’ effectiveness.

To achieve these goals, we divided our efforts into seven areas:

I am humbled to be part of such a star-studded business leadership. You’ll hear more from these people in months to come, and you can look forward to an exciting and productive Chamber year. IBI
