A Publication of WTVP

In the last 30 years, for-profit businesses have experienced profound changes. Perhaps the greatest shift has been managing employee expectations that work should be "meaningful" and somehow make a difference in the world. After all the hype about corporate vision and valuing intellectual capital, who really is surprised employees might want their work to matter?

Technology has changed work, the worker and the workplace. Process is more important than product, or, better, the product is more highly dependent than ever on the process workers use to create it.

Some products aren’t even tangible but virtual and visual. Digits are as important as widgets now, and teamwork is the theme of Old Economy and New Economy companies alike.

Nonprofit managers know a lot about producing intangibles and dealing with a workforce that doesn’t have to be there. In many ways, the two sectors are increasingly alike in their habits and practices.

The difference is for-profit managers, especially those who are data-driven, are lost in this brave new world of work. They have a lot to learn from their non-profit colleagues. Here are five lessons.
