
A Publication of WTVP

Peoria Magazine is no longer in production. Publication ended with the November 2023 issue.

May and its Smorgasbord of Delights

by Mike Bailey |

Welcome to Peoria Magazine’s Outdoors and Recreation issue.

It is true that we devote considerable space herein to working up a sweat under sunshine galore, but in fact there’s a whole lot goin’ on in this edition and in the month of May.

Indeed, accompanying this magazine is a whole other magazine, our annual Community Impact Guide, a comprehensive directory of the region’s not-for-profit and community service endeavors. Meanwhile, May also breaks out the banners for Cinco de Mayo (May 5), Mother’s Day (May 14) and Memorial Day (May 29). We touch upon all the above in a five-part Cover series.

Consequently, we won’t take exception if our beloved readers refer to this May 2023 issue of Peoria Magazine as a smörgåsbord of delights, a potpourri of enlightenment, a salsa for the senses.

Inevitably in this era of easily bruised feelings, of course, someone will complain of being left out.

A preemptive apology, then, to the celebrators of those May moments that limited space and manpower did not permit us to get to: Lei Day on May 1; Star Wars Day (May 4); National No Pants Day (May 5); National Lost Sock Memorial Day (May 7); National Limerick Day (May 12); National Apple Pie Day (May 13); National Dance Like a Chicken Day (May 14) — sorry Mom, you have to share – National Sunscreen Day (May 27); and National Flip Flop Day (the shoes, not the politicians). Special mention also goes to National Orange Juice Day, National Lemonade Day, National Mimosa Day and National Mint Julep Day. I’m happy to drink to all four on the 4th, 7th, 16th and 30th.

Next year, the magazine’s all yours. Promise.

All in all, we suffer no excuses in this issue for not getting up off the sofa and out into the fresh air. We have stories on camping and kayaking and mountain biking, on golf and baseball and rugby, on a new sport called WooshBall, and on a personal favorite: fishing.

I don’t quite live to fish, but close. My dream is to someday own a piece of property with stocked lake (though the years are getting long and the time short). No doubt I get that from my dad, who liked to drop a line. One of the cherished moments, and secrets, we shared was the occasional Sunday that we’d skip church — St. Aloysius in Springfield, 11 a.m. Mass, third pew – and head out with pole, tackle box and bait to the nearest fishin’ hole instead.

I probably shouldn’t confess this quite so publicly – bless me Father, for I have sinned – but sometimes we’d stop by church to pick up a bulletin first to prove to mom we’d been where we were supposed to be. I’m not sure she was fooled, especially given the catch we carried through the door. Oh well, I blame Scripture: “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” (Matthew 4:19). May have misinterpreted that passage.

In any case, may this issue remind everyone that spring has sprung, that the grandkids have ballgames and bleacher seats to occupy, that many of us work too much and that we all could stand to lighten up a bit, for our own sakes. Get out for a walk, get out for a drive, just get out, and don’t forget to whistle on your way to the farm pond. Meanwhile, happy 32nd anniversary to the Baileys this month — dare not forget that — and as always, go Cardinals. Enjoy.

Mike Bailey

Mike Bailey

is editor in chief of Peoria Magazine [email protected]

