A Peoria Pitch Produces a Bite of Bollywood Lisa Coon October 28, 2023 When it came to finding a tenant for the space that housed his former Broadway Lounge entertainment and restaurant venue...
The ‘beacon’ on Berkeley Avenue Mike Bailey March 31, 2023 As Jump Trading Simulation & Education Center commemorates its 10th anniversary this month, how do we measure its impact on...
Start Your Innovation Engines! Steve Tarter March 31, 2023 The year was 2000 and 40 community leaders gathered in the board room at Bradley University’s Swords Hall. Representatives of...
The future of medicine Mike Bailey March 31, 2023 If you’re amazed by the health care advancements of the last 10 years, it’s possible you ain’t seen nothin’ yet....
Reviving Downtown Mike Bailey February 22, 2023 "Downtown was the center of everything … The streets were thronged … People window-shopped along Main Street or lined up...
A tale of three South Peoria families Denise Jackson January 30, 2023 South Peoria resident Angie (Allen) Henry cannot imagine living anywhere else in the city. Henry is a second-generation family member...
‘No child should suffer a life derailed by untreated mental illness’ Mike Bailey January 1, 2023 As a parent, you’re at wit’s end. A child’s behavior has changed dramatically, and it’s increasingly obvious that it’s more...
‘An unparalleled dedication to public service’ Lisa Coon November 30, 2022 A life in public service wasn’t what Linda Daley had envisioned for herself.“I was a math and science person,” said...
‘She’s just getting started’ Linda Smith Brown November 30, 2022 The passion Lisa Gates has for Peoria is palpable. Now the vice president of marketing and communications at RLI Insurance,...
‘She planted the seed’ Terry Bibo November 30, 2022 Barb Drake relishes discussing her interview with feminist icon Betty Friedan. Please. If anybody is a feminist icon, it is...
The Road Less Traveled Amy Talcott November 30, 2022 Pam Howe hasn’t always taken the conventional road, but as executive vice president of Commerce Bank in Peoria, that may...
Empowerment through art Laurie Pillman November 29, 2022 If you ask her, Nikki Romain will say she doesn’t feel very “influential.” “I don't think that is on my...
Class of 2022 Peoria Magazine October 26, 2022 We here at Peoria Magazine are thankful that we can have hope in our collective future, confident that our 40...
This Septuagenarian is Getting New Bones Phil Luciano October 1, 2022 In pushing ahead with the mammoth McClugage Bridge project, the contractor had to keep his cool. With concrete, that is. The heat...
Debating Central Illinois’ Most ‘Significant’ Architecture Mike Bailey October 1, 2022 The verdict is in: If Peoria had a golden age of architecture and grand ambition, it was well more than...
The Turners behind the Turner Center Mike Bailey September 1, 2022 Were it not for a certain couple, there might not be a Center for Entrepreneurship at Bradley University. Were it...
New Exporter of the Year Mike Bailey September 1, 2022 If Asian carp have a heaven, it’s the Illinois River. So many silver, grass, bighead and black carp want to...
Summer Vacation Shrinks in Peoria Public Schools Lisa Coon August 1, 2022 Yard signs and billboards can be seen across the city of Peoria, reminding residents that classes in Peoria Public Schools...
From Anonymous Administrator to Media Celebrity Phil Luciano July 1, 2022 As COVID-19 shook the world, Monica Hendrickson was hurtled into the Peoria spotlight.Until then, Hendrickson diligently but quietly had been...
‘Children Deserve the Best’ Lisa Coon July 1, 2022 It’s almost impossible to think of Easterseals Central Illinois without thinking of Steve Thompson.For 42 years, he has helped lead...
The Whole is Greater than the Sum of Its Parts Lisa Coon July 1, 2022 By definition, retirement is the withdrawal from an active working life.While Doug and Vicky Stewart no longer work an 8...
Manning the Point, from Basketball Floor to NCAA Big Time Kirk Wessler July 1, 2022 Chris Reynolds doesn’t dwell on the past.“You can’t live life looking in the rearview mirror. You have to keep moving...
A Pearl of a Person Mike Bailey June 24, 2022 Survey the landscape of central Illinois the last 20 years and arguably few have left a more lasting imprint on...
The Antidote to What Ails Us: GET OUTSIDE Mike Bailey May 24, 2022 Julie Robinson is on a one-woman quest to drive central Illinoisans outside.The retired schoolteacher also is on a crusade to...
From The Farm, Growing A Media Empire Mike Bailey April 27, 2022 Bradford, Ill. — population 750, the sign says – would, at first blush, seem like an unusual place for a...
New School, Meet Old School Mike Bailey March 31, 2022 Hardly a season goes by when we don’t hear of some new kid on the block of central Illinois’ high-tech...